Geothlypis trichas
Warbler family (Parulidae)
A small warbler. Bright yellow throat and breast, olive-brown back, whitish belly. Male has a black face mask. Female has an olive-brown face.
Loose bulky nest is well hidden in grasses or shrubs, usually 3 feet above the ground. Eggs are creamy white with brown marks. Clutch size – usually 4 eggs.
Song is a three-syllable “witchity witchity witchity” or a two-syllable “witchee witchee witchee.”
Name Origin:
The genus name Geothlypis is from the Greek for "earth-dwelling finch." The species name trichas is from the Greek for “thrush.” Considered to be misnamed by Linnaeus.
In the Nature Park:
Neotropical migrant.
Common Yellowthroat female (left) and male (right)