Carduelis tristis
Finch family (Fringillidae)
A small songbird. Male has a canary yellow body and black cap, wings, and tail. Female is yellowish green overall with black wings and tail. Undulating (wave-like) flight pattern.
Open meadows, forest edges.
Nests in a cluster of branches or on a horizontal limb of a tree or shrub, 5 to 15 feet above the ground. Eggs are light blue. Clutch size – 2 to 7 eggs.
Song is long, canary-like warble. Call is "sweeyeet." In flight, call is a continuous series of three notes: “chip chip chip.” We call it the “potato chip” call.
Name Origin:
The genus Carduelis is from the Latin for “goldfinch.” The species name tristis is from the Latin for “sad,” inappropriately based on its song.
In the Nature Park:
Year-round resident. Common in open meadows and open areas near the buildings at the Nature Park.
American goldfinch - female (left) and male (right)