Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Sparrow family (Emberizidae)
A large but shy bird, rarely seen. Male has a black head, back, wings, and tail; reddish-brown sides and flanks; white belly. Female is brown where male is black.
Dense brushy fields, open woodlands
Bulky nest, usually placed on the ground. Eggs are creamy with brown spots. Clutch size – 3 to 5 eggs.
Song has three distinct notes – two whistles followed by a high trill, like “drink your teeeee.” Sometimes sings the last two notes “your teeee” or just “teeeeee.” Call is a burry low-pitched “chweeee.”
Name Origin:
The genus Pipilo is from the Latin, pipo, for “chirp” or “peep.” The species name erythrophthalmus is from the Greek for “red eye.”
In the Nature Park:
Year-round resident. Common in forests and dense shrub thickets at the Nature Park. Its song is easy to recognize.
Eastern Towhee male