Wood Thrush

Hylocichla mustelina
Thrush family (Turdidae)

A large thrush. Bright reddish-brown head, brown back, large dark spots on breast and upper belly.

Mature deciduous forest.

Builds a large bulky nest on a fork of a sapling or tree, usually 10 feet above the ground. Eggs are light blue. Clutch size – 3 to 4 eggs.


Song is a series of whistled flutelike notes preceded by lower pitched repeated notes, “bub bub eee-oh-lay, bup bup ah-o-lee.”  Varies pitch of notes with each round of singing.  Males sing frequently, especially in the early morning and early evening.  Call is a loud “pit pit pit,” like a soft machine gun, given in response to a disturbance near their nest.

Name Origin:

The genus name Hylocichla is from the Greek for "forest thrush."  The species name  mustelina is from the Latin for “weasel-like,” referring to its tawny color.

In the Nature Park:
Neotropical migrant, arrives in early to mid-May, nests in upland forests of the Nature Park.
