Passerina caerulea
Cardinal family (Cardinalidae)
A large seed-eating bird. Large gray conical bill. Male is dark blue overall with two reddish-brown wing bars and black feathers around base of bill. Female is brown overall, dark wings and tail, occasional blue feathers on upper parts, and two brownish wing bars.
Open meadows, forest edges.
Compact deep nest, placed 3 to 8 feet above the ground in a low tree or shrub, typically at the edge of an open area. Eggs are pale blue. Clutch size – 3 to 5 eggs.
Song is a warbled phrase of musical notes. Call is a loud “chink”.
Name Origin:
The genus name Passerina is from the Latin for “sparrow-like.” The species name caerulea is from the Latin for “blue.” The common name “grosbeak” is from the French for "large beak."
In the Nature Park:
Neotropical migrant. Blue Grosbeaks have consistently been observed in the open meadows along the Quarry Trail on the northwest side of the Quarry Pond.
Blue Grosbeak - female (left) and male (right)