Family: Cupressaceae, cypress family
Genus, species: Juniperus virginiana
Foliage is evergreen, scale-like, dark-green.
Bark is reddish-brown, thin, fibrous.
Male and female cones are on separate trees (dioecious). Female cones look like small blue berries, but these are not true berries because junipers are not angiosperms (fruit-producing plants). Junipers are gymnosperms, cone-bearing plants. Female cones are composed of modified scales that are fleshy and fused together. Male cones are smaller, light brown.
Junipers are stress-tolerant, can survive in dry and infertile soils.
More Information:
Juniper is from the Latin juniperus which is from the French genever.
Photos:Female juniper
Male juniper
Female juniper