

Family:  Araceae, arum family
Genus species:  Arisaema triphyllum

Each leaf has three leaflets.

Flower consists of a spathe and spadix. The spathe is the “pulpit” which wraps around and covers the spadix or the “jack.” The spathe is greenish-yellow with purple or brown stripes. The spadix is covered with tiny male and female flowers. Flowers are pollinated by flies. Flowers produce heat and odor to attract flies. Flowers are protandrous (literally “first male”), initially produce male flowers, then later produce female flowers. Flowers must be cross-pollinated because male flowers within one flower die before female flowers mature.

Fruit is a cluster of berries on the thick spadix. Fruit is initially green, then turns bright red.

Common Uses and Interesting Facts:
Plant contains calcium oxalate crystals. Consumption of raw plant material causes powerful burning sensation.

More Information:

The genus name Arisaema is from the Latin for "blood," referring to blood-red color of spathe.  The species name triphyllum is from the Latin for "three-leaved."
