Family: Fabaceae, pea family
Genus, species: Robinia pseudo-acacia
Leaves are pinnately compound. Each leaf has 7 to 19 leaflets. Leaflets are elliptical in shape with smooth untoothed edges. Leaflets are larger and rounder compared to Honey Locust leaflets. Each leaf has a pair of short thorns at the base.
Bark is light gray, deeply furrowed with long rough forking ridges.
Flowers are fragrant, white, shaped like pea flowers, grouped in showy hanging clusters.
Fruit is a long flat pod, dark brown, 2 to 4 inches long.
Seeds are dark brown, flat, beanlike.
Roots contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Common Uses and Interesting Facts:
Black locust wood is extremely hard, rot-resistant, durable. Bark and leaves are toxic.
More Information:
The genus name Robinia is named for Jean Robin (1550-1629) and Vesparian Robin (1579-1600), herbalists and gardeners for Henry VI of France. The species name pseudo- is from the Greek for "false" and -acacia is from the Greek for "thorn."
Photos:Black Locust leaf
Black Locust flowers
Black Locust bark
Black Locust thorns