富二代视频app’s Electronic and Acceptable Use Policy allows 富二代视频app students, faculty and staff to connect their own permitted devices to the campus network. All 富二代视频app residence halls and University-owned living units are equipped with Internet connectivity.
However, to maintain optimal network operations, Information Services does not allow access to devices that require any modification to the existing campus network or interfere with its normal operation.
To this end, certain devices are not allowed on the 富二代视频app University network unless approved by Information Services. These devices and services are known to interfere with the operation of the University network and include, but are not strictly limited to, the following:
Unauthorized operation of these devices or services is a violation of University protocol and may result in loss of network access and/or disciplinary action. Intentional interruption of 富二代视频app University network services may result in further disciplinary action and/or prosecution. Please review the University Electronic and Acceptable Use Policy for the master policy for use of the 富二代视频app network.
The master policy and these standards are NOT to discourage computer use, but to promote and maintain a reliable computer network for all to use.
, contact the Information Services HelpDesk with your name, email, building name, room number, jack number, and the make/model and MAC address of the device you wish to connect. If approved, the device will be granted access to the network for one academic year. It will need re-approved each year and approval may be revoked at the discretion of Information Services at any time.
Not all requests will be honored. Requestors may be asked to provide additional documentation and, in some cases, Information Services may recommend alternative options that would better serve the purpose of the request.
Please contact the with questions regarding these devices or configuration of your computer.
September 01, 2013 – Original publication.
December 23, 2018 – Added wireless networked printers to the list of prohibited devices.
Last update: 20-Feb-2024