
All property and casualty insurance coverages are administered through the Office of Business Services. Any questions with regards to these policies should be directed to Bruce Burking: 765-658-4180 or

Builder’s Risk

The University carries builder’s risk coverage for large construction and remodeling projects to cover increased risks during this period.

Worker’s Compensation

In accordance with Indiana’s Worker’s Compensation law and regulations, the University’s contracted Worker’s Compensation insurance carrier pays medical expenses related to a work-related injury or illness when a compensable injury or illness occurs.

As provided by the law, the insurance carrier and the employer have the right to choose the medical provider who will provide treatment.


Damage to buildings and/or contents should be reported promptly to the Office of Public Safety and to the Business Services Office so that an appropriate inspection can be made of the loss, a proper notice of claim filed with the Insurance Company and arrangements made for repair(s) and/or replacement(s).

Any staff member, who is contacted by a member of the general public, with a complaint of accidental body injury occurring on the premises of the University, has the responsibility of obtaining the pertinent information concerning the accident and to immediately report it to his/her supervisor or department head.  Without delay the supervisor or department head should report the accident to the Office of Public Safety and to the Director of Business Services so all detailed information can be obtained and a Notice with the insurance company can be filed.

All other incidents or claims should be reported promptly to the Director of Business Services for coordination of claims, for obtaining estimates and for arrangements for repairs and/or replacement.

A copy of each liquor license issued to the University shall be on file at University’s legal counsel.

Any incident relating to the selling, dispensing or serving alcohol should be reported immediately to the Director of Business Services for initiation of an investigation.

Vehicle Rental Insurance  


The purpose of this policy is to provide personal liability insurance for employees, students and volunteers while driving University owned or rented vehicles while conducting approved University business and class work.


The University provides insurance coverage for the personal liability of employees, students and volunteers while driving University owned or rented vehicles to conduct authorized/approved University business and class work.


Loss or damages to a vehicle should be reported immediately to the Business Office for initiation of a claim, obtaining pertinent information relating to incident, getting estimates and arranging for the necessary repair(s) or replacement.

All accidents that occur while on public highways or streets must be reported to the police having jurisdiction. Under no circumstances should the driver move the vehicle until requested or authorized to do so by the investigating police. The required Indiana State Police Accident Report form is to be completed and delivered to the Office of Business Services.