There is an option to link your 529 Plan directly to Transact Payments to make payments. Go to Transact Payments to view your payment options and follow the prompts to select the 529 Savings Account.
Arkansas | Arkansas 529 GIFT Plan iShares 529 Plan |
California | ScholarShare 529 |
Colorado | CollegeInvest Direct Portfolio College Savings Plan Scholars Choice Education Savings Plan |
Connecticut | Connecticut Higher Education Trust Advisor |
D.C. | D.C. College Savings Plan |
Georgia | Path2College 529 Plan |
Idaho | IDeal - Idaho College Savings Plan |
Indiana | CollegeChoice 529 Direct Savings Plan CollegeChoice 529 Advisor Savings Plan |
Kansas | Learning Quest Learning Quest Advisor |
Kentucky | KY Saves 529 |
Michigan | Michigan 529 Advisor Plan Michigan Education Savings Program |
Minnesota | MN Saves 529 |
Missouri | MOST - Missouri's 529 Education Plan |
North Dakota | College SAVE Plan |
New Mexico | Scholar's Edge The Education Plan |
Ohio | CollegeAdvantage Direct 529 Savings Plan |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma College Savings Plan |
Rhode Island | CollegeBound 529 CollegeBound Saver |
Tennessee | TNStars College Savings 529 Program |
Wisconsin | Edvest College Savings Plan |
West Virginia | Hartford SMART529 College Savings Plan SMART529 Select College Savings Plan SMART529 WV Direct College Savings Plan |
If you do not see your 529 provider on this list, you will need to contact your representative and have them mail a check directly to the University.
Questions regarding this process should be directed to Payment Services at 765-658-4015 or email